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Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

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Cheat Engine

Trouble installing/running Cheat Engine? Check out the known github issue here on how to solve it, or join the cheat engine patreon

Read before download: You must be 18 years or older, or deemed an adult, to install Cheat Engine. Cheat engine is for private and educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine

February 14 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for public:

February 8 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for Windows for Patreons (Mac and public will be here soon):

I'm glad to announce the release of Cheat Engine 7.5 which has some really neat improvements over 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine so next version can be even greater!


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool

added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location)

added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned)

reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed

make some error messages more descriptive

added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center

added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now

memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually

codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results

added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd

lua: added ceserver commands

lua: show a stacktrace on execution error

lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode)

made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)

ceserver: added change memory protection capability

ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI

.netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree

network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server

lua: added virtualstringtree

lua: added invertColor

lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)

autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails

autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well

pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update

ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft.

ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable

ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers

ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list

ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well

ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now

assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64]

disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not

mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's

mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform

mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name

better arm disassembler and assembler

better arm64 disassembler and assembler

the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings)

added an option to skip loading .PDB files

a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads

added ranges scans to groupscan

freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed

trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI

changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries

texttraces now don't save as .cetrace but as .txt now

ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well

ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols

lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode

lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects

lua: added getOpenedFileSize()

lua: added onHelpEvent callback

lua: added releaseDebugFiles()

lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols()

lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

added .Visible property to treenode entries

added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews

added arm64 disassembling and assembling

added lua function "runCommand"

added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.

conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)

dotnetinfo: Performance improvement

memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option

Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols

different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards

tracer can now step over rep instructions

lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field

lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified

added architecture distinguishing to ceserver

pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it

added nested structure support

added string based custom types

ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point

the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued

monodatacollector: fixed invoke method

dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll

fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases

ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets

fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file

fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options

fixed some documentation in celua at some points

fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation

fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]

fixed enumExports lua function

fixed issue where vehdebug would crash

fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging

fixed the disassembler backlist

fixed termination issue on the memscan object

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ]

VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used

Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads

fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example

fixed speedhack on wine 7.0

fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view

fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs

restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1)

fixed .net info instance lookup issue

fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

fixed runcommand

fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected

fixed the "all" type when not using double

fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types

fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly

fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly

fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata

fixed paring value starting with a - or +

fixed assembling pmovmskb

fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one)

fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section

fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys

fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox

fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx

fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method

fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock

ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore

January 18 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

January 2 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

Happy 2022. To start of this year good here's the official release of Cheat Engine 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine.

Additions and changes:

AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl

Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates

improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move

laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down)

added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them

you can now manually delete saved results

debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces

modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such

mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect

lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween

added hints to how the pointer wildcard works

the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect

You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist

lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected

you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them

added linux ABI c-compiler dll's

by default mono now releases the .net thread

from 7.3.2-7.4:

added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus)

goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center

you can now change the font of the tracer tree

added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions

break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option

added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer


fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows

.netinfo: fix field searching

fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window

fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address

fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash

mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address

fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode

foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns

foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results

processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode

fixed compare to first scan hotkey

fixed handling of broken/empty language folders

fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well)

fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog

fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage

fixed {$c} and {$ccode} for the 32-bit CE build

fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus)

fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks

fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory

fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats)

fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval

fixed {$ccode} and {$luacode} when not giving any parameters

fixed some include files erroring out when used

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory

fixed the elf symbol parser

fixed speedhack on linux

il2cpp now has a progressbar

fixed handling some newer il2cpp games

fixed vmin assembling

fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details

fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan

fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters

fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries

from 7.3.2-7.4:

lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't

fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0

window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable

fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor

fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script

improved stability of mono

fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets

August 26 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

August 14 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

I'm happy to announce the official release of Cheat Engine 7.3 for all my patreon members (The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to sign of on it) Edit:Done

My patreon members can get it here

Please report bugs and give feature requests for next version so I can make it even better.

Additions and changes:

Added dark mode support (restart CE when you change the setting)

All saved results are now shown in the foundlist (can be turned off)

Groupscan now supports pointer wildcards. (only valid if the field is a proper pointer)

Hotkeys can be repeated by releasing the key and repressing if the repeat timer hasn't finished yet

Structure dissect add to addresslist uses the addressstring instead of number, so symbols will be preserved

Structure dissect now has a option to save the previous state of a column and show changes easier

Middle-mouse clicking now copies the value of a structure element to your clipboard

Added {$LUACODE} blocks for inline Lua coding

Added a c-compiler to CE

Added {$C} blocks to the auto assembler. all {$C} blocks get combined into one script before execution

Added {$CCODE} blocks for inline C coding (Check the forum, wiki, CE patreon discord or CE's youtube)

Added a C# compiler (compilecs)

Added routines to do .NET(and mono) method detouring. .NET info has a new contextmenu where you can create a detour template for the autoassembler

Added invoke method to the .NET Info window as well

[Disable] sections can now reference labels, defines, AOBScan results, and allocs created in the [ENABLE] section

Userdefined symbollist has a secondary list for CCode symbols

The change address window now also supports relative offsets

DBVM speed improvements

DBVM has an extra security level, and added dbvm_setKeys to easily change the access codes

DBVM has now some basic support for nested VM's (only so you can run them, not yet modify)

New debugger interface: DBVM-level debugger

Improved performance of "Find what access/writes this address"

Dissect code now lets you specify custom ranges

Addresslist value sort now sorts values by alphabet if the record is a string type

The dropdown list of multiple entries can now be changed at the same time

Standalone register window now shows flags values as well

Value Between scans now autoswap the order if the first value is bigger than the 2nd


fixed some games freezing CE when symbols where accesses

Lua debug now shows for loop variables

several windows now save their position, and won't get corrupted if you don't show them the first time running CE

fixed createthreadandwait when using a timeout

fixed disassembling vcvtsi2ss

fixed compare to first scan if it's a large block, and made it more efficient

ceshare: logout fixed

fixed assembling movsq

fixed ultimap ret filter

fixed luapipe never calling OnError

fixed vehdebug in 64-bit CE zeroing out the FPU registers in 32-bit targets

fixed DBVM find what access/writes sometimes skipping entries on AMD

fixed undo not working on memory records when using the single line editor

fixed hide children group option when loading a table

fixed some font issues in the break and trace window

fixed pasting the other types in hexadecimal view

fixed the symbolloader fully crashing on unknown pdb symboldata


saveTable won't ask to sign the table anymore

messageDialog will work if you omit the buttonlist. (Defaults to mbOK then)

added more customizabe button

registerSymbol no longer errors out the whole script on failure. It now overwrites existing symbols

and many other things...


Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

MainForumAbout Cheat EngineAbout DBVMBugtrackerDownloadsTutorialsGITLua ExtensionsTwitterFAQContributeCheat Engine Wiki

Become a Patron!

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Read before download: Cheat engine is for educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine

Download Cheat Engine 7.5

Download Cheat Engine 7.5.2 For Mac

This installer makes use of the installcore software recomendation pluginNote: Some anti-virus programs mistakenly pick up parts of Cheat Engine as a trojan/virus. If encountering trouble while installing, or cheat engine is not functional, disable your anti-virus before installing or running Cheat Engine(More info on this particular problem can be found here)

For those that want to have Cheat engine Setup without any extra software recomendation during install, then join CE's patreon and download using this link and you'll get a clean install file



GIGA.de (German)


Cheat Engine Lua Extentions A forum with a list of useful add-ons for Cheat Engine

Improved .net data collector (Cheat Engine 6.4). Gets parent classfields as well

Improved mono data collector (Cheat Engine 6.4). Adds support for 64-bit and deals with situations where mono.dll is renamed. (Use LaunchMonoDataCollector() or mono_dissect() lua commands manually in those cases)

Save sessions (Cheat Engine 6.4). Lets you save and reload the current scan session

UEFI DBVM Loader + DBVM 16. Use this to launch DBVM before your OS(Linux, Android, Windows...) starts. Note: This is DBVM 16, which needs CE 7.3 or later


Spanish(Latin) translation files (CL_cl)

Korean translation files (ko_KR)

Spanish/Castilian translation files (es_ES)

Brazilian Portuguese translation files (pt_BR)

Russian translation files (ru_RU)

Polish translation files (pl_PL)

Chinese Traditional files (ch_TW)

Chinese Simplified translation files (ch_CN)

Chinese translation files (zh_CN)

Tutorial only translations

German tutorial translation files

French tutorial translation files

Cheat Engine Proton Launcher

CEProtonLauncher.zip (Utility to launch Cheat Engine under the correct proton environment)

Server (For network scanning)

CEServer files for CE 7.5 (linux, android, x86,x86_64, arm and arm64)

Server source



Personal software recommendations

Total Commander (File Manager)


Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

MainForumAbout Cheat EngineAbout DBVMBugtrackerDownloadsTutorialsGITLua ExtensionsTwitterFAQContributeCheat Engine Wiki

Become a Patron!

Check it out

Know programming?Looking for a job?Try patreon!

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Q:What is Cheat Engine?

A:Cheat Engine is a tool that helps you figure out how a game/application works and make modifications to it. It comes with extensive scripting support, so you can basically create anything you like. Check the about page for more

Q:How do I install Cheat Engine?

A:Just click the obvious download button on the main page and run it. When the installer is done you can use it.

Q:How do I uninstall Cheat Engine?

A:The start menu will have a uninstall option, or else go to windows settings->add/remove software and remove it there

Q:When will there be a MAC version?

A:Since recently there is one. It may still be buggy, so please report issues you encounter.

Q:Will Cheat Engine work on online games?

A:Most of the time, no

Q:Will Dark Byte help me with online games?


Q:If I do send dark byte an e-mail asking how to cheat in an online game, what will he do?

A:He won't reply, or he replies in such way that it really pisses you off

Q:I tried editing my money in a online game and it showed on my screen that it worked. But when I bought something with it my money was set back to what it used to be, minus what I just bought

A:That is because the server knows how much money you have. You just changed the display value

Q:I just spend hours using the speedhack on a webgame to generate more resources, but when I logged out and came back, everything was as if I never used it

A:See the above answer

Q:Can I use Cheat Engine to hack, crack or unprotect other programs ?

A:No, you may only use cheat engine for legal activities. If the license agreement of a game says to not disassemble it, then do not use ce's disassembler features! (Unless you live in a place like Europe where the law precedes license agreements and where you have the right to reverse engineer all software for personal use)

Q:Can I use Cheat Engine to give me things I normally have to pay for?

A:No, you're not allowed to do so. Doing so will violate your agreement when installing CE, so you'll have to uninstall CE then

Q:Do I have to pay for Cheat Engine?

A:No, cheat engine is completly free. But on MacOS CE is trialware until you join the CE patreon

Q:Can I have the sourcecode?

A:Sure, go to the download page and download it there

Q:Now that I have the sourcecode can I make my own version of cheat enginge and put it online?

A:No. It's just there to save you time on reversing/decompiling, but I do not provide any license for use of the sourcecode. You are free to use it in private settings of course, but do not publish online as that would violate copyright

Q:If Cheat Engine isn't Free Open Source Software, then why do you provide the sourcecode?

A:To educate people on programming and to be as transparant as possible about what Cheat Engine does

Q:I paid over $100 for cheat engine, and now I find out I can't use it on my online game. I demand a refund!!!

A:I never advertise it as working in online games. Ask your money back from somewhere else

Q:Why isn't cheat engine digitally signed? I'm too scared to download it now

A:Because I hate this mentality where everything has to be feared on the internet. If you don't want to download it, then don't, and go to a shrink to deal with your anxiety problems

Update, it is actually signed now. It's still comming from me, so in the end absolutely nothing has changed

Q:Can I send dark byte emails without subject and just the text "Help me" and assume he knows what I am talking about and fix all my problems?

A:No, he will not

Q:Can I send dark byte emails that aren't in english ?

A:Sure, but don't expect him to read beyond the first word before deleting it.

Q:Can I send dark byte emails that are translated to english by an automated translator ?

A:Can do of course you, expect don't reply any bedspread dark from byte.

Q:When the download finished my anti virus showed up it that is contained a virus!

A:Cheat Engine lets you manipulate any running program including administrator applications. It also allows you to use Cheat Tables you may have downloaded from less-reputable sources. These tables can contain scripts which can do anything Cheat Engine can (Modify applications, file access etc...) Because anti viruses do not wish to learn CE's scritping language, they just mark CE as being potantially dangerous (aka hacktool). But, as long as you download Cheat Tables from reputable sources, check that they don't contain dangerous code (.CT's are cleartext xml) you should be fine.

Q:When will the next version of Cheat engine come out?


Q:Will the next version of Cheat Engine be undetected for current anti-cheat systems?

A:Most likely not

Q:Will the next version of Cheat Engine be able to use the cheats that don't work anymore due to patches?

A:Nope, you need to update the method, not cheat engine

Q:Why does the installer make a connection with the internet? Are you trying to hack me???

A:No, I'm not trying to hack you, this is just an advertiser that is connecting to their servers to fetch the most up to date list of tools that you might be interested in using, and then show them to you. You can always decline those offers, and even if you accidentally accept them, they can be removed from the software control panel in windows. Afterwards it will download Cheat Engine

Q:I don't want an installer with advertisements

A:You can either compile the sourcecode yourself, or get an installer without advertisements from the CE patreon (Still requires an internet connection)


Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

MainForumAbout Cheat EngineAbout DBVMBugtrackerDownloadsTutorialsGITLua ExtensionsTwitterFAQContributeCheat Engine Wiki

Become a Patron!

Check it out

Know programming?Looking for a job?Try patreon!

Privacy Policy


Cheat Engine

Trouble installing/running Cheat Engine? Check out the known github issue here on how to solve it, or join the cheat engine patreon

Read before download: You must be 18 years or older, or deemed an adult, to install Cheat Engine. Cheat engine is for private and educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine

February 14 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for public:

February 8 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for Windows for Patreons (Mac and public will be here soon):

I'm glad to announce the release of Cheat Engine 7.5 which has some really neat improvements over 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine so next version can be even greater!


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool

added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location)

added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned)

reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed

make some error messages more descriptive

added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center

added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now

memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually

codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results

added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd

lua: added ceserver commands

lua: show a stacktrace on execution error

lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode)

made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)

ceserver: added change memory protection capability

ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI

.netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree

network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server

lua: added virtualstringtree

lua: added invertColor

lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)

autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails

autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well

pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update

ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft.

ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable

ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers

ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list

ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well

ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now

assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64]

disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not

mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's

mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform

mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name

better arm disassembler and assembler

better arm64 disassembler and assembler

the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings)

added an option to skip loading .PDB files

a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads

added ranges scans to groupscan

freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed

trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI

changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries

texttraces now don't save as .cetrace but as .txt now

ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well

ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols

lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode

lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects

lua: added getOpenedFileSize()

lua: added onHelpEvent callback

lua: added releaseDebugFiles()

lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols()

lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

added .Visible property to treenode entries

added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews

added arm64 disassembling and assembling

added lua function "runCommand"

added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.

conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)

dotnetinfo: Performance improvement

memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option

Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols

different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards

tracer can now step over rep instructions

lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field

lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified

added architecture distinguishing to ceserver

pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it

added nested structure support

added string based custom types

ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point

the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued

monodatacollector: fixed invoke method

dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll

fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases

ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets

fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file

fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options

fixed some documentation in celua at some points

fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation

fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]

fixed enumExports lua function

fixed issue where vehdebug would crash

fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging

fixed the disassembler backlist

fixed termination issue on the memscan object

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ]

VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used

Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads

fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example

fixed speedhack on wine 7.0

fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view

fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs

restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1)

fixed .net info instance lookup issue

fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

fixed runcommand

fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected

fixed the "all" type when not using double

fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types

fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly

fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly

fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata

fixed paring value starting with a - or +

fixed assembling pmovmskb

fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one)

fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section

fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys

fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox

fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx

fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method

fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock

ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore

January 18 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

January 2 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

Happy 2022. To start of this year good here's the official release of Cheat Engine 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine.

Additions and changes:

AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl

Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates

improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move

laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down)

added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them

you can now manually delete saved results

debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces

modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such

mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect

lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween

added hints to how the pointer wildcard works

the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect

You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist

lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected

you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them

added linux ABI c-compiler dll's

by default mono now releases the .net thread

from 7.3.2-7.4:

added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus)

goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center

you can now change the font of the tracer tree

added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions

break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option

added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer


fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows

.netinfo: fix field searching

fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window

fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address

fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash

mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address

fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode

foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns

foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results

processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode

fixed compare to first scan hotkey

fixed handling of broken/empty language folders

fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well)

fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog

fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage

fixed {$c} and {$ccode} for the 32-bit CE build

fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus)

fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks

fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory

fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats)

fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval

fixed {$ccode} and {$luacode} when not giving any parameters

fixed some include files erroring out when used

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory

fixed the elf symbol parser

fixed speedhack on linux

il2cpp now has a progressbar

fixed handling some newer il2cpp games

fixed vmin assembling

fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details

fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan

fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters

fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries

from 7.3.2-7.4:

lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't

fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0

window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable

fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor

fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script

improved stability of mono

fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets

August 26 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

August 14 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

I'm happy to announce the official release of Cheat Engine 7.3 for all my patreon members (The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to sign of on it) Edit:Done

My patreon members can get it here

Please report bugs and give feature requests for next version so I can make it even better.

Additions and changes:

Added dark mode support (restart CE when you change the setting)

All saved results are now shown in the foundlist (can be turned off)

Groupscan now supports pointer wildcards. (only valid if the field is a proper pointer)

Hotkeys can be repeated by releasing the key and repressing if the repeat timer hasn't finished yet

Structure dissect add to addresslist uses the addressstring instead of number, so symbols will be preserved

Structure dissect now has a option to save the previous state of a column and show changes easier

Middle-mouse clicking now copies the value of a structure element to your clipboard

Added {$LUACODE} blocks for inline Lua coding

Added a c-compiler to CE

Added {$C} blocks to the auto assembler. all {$C} blocks get combined into one script before execution

Added {$CCODE} blocks for inline C coding (Check the forum, wiki, CE patreon discord or CE's youtube)

Added a C# compiler (compilecs)

Added routines to do .NET(and mono) method detouring. .NET info has a new contextmenu where you can create a detour template for the autoassembler

Added invoke method to the .NET Info window as well

[Disable] sections can now reference labels, defines, AOBScan results, and allocs created in the [ENABLE] section

Userdefined symbollist has a secondary list for CCode symbols

The change address window now also supports relative offsets

DBVM speed improvements

DBVM has an extra security level, and added dbvm_setKeys to easily change the access codes

DBVM has now some basic support for nested VM's (only so you can run them, not yet modify)

New debugger interface: DBVM-level debugger

Improved performance of "Find what access/writes this address"

Dissect code now lets you specify custom ranges

Addresslist value sort now sorts values by alphabet if the record is a string type

The dropdown list of multiple entries can now be changed at the same time

Standalone register window now shows flags values as well

Value Between scans now autoswap the order if the first value is bigger than the 2nd


fixed some games freezing CE when symbols where accesses

Lua debug now shows for loop variables

several windows now save their position, and won't get corrupted if you don't show them the first time running CE

fixed createthreadandwait when using a timeout

fixed disassembling vcvtsi2ss

fixed compare to first scan if it's a large block, and made it more efficient

ceshare: logout fixed

fixed assembling movsq

fixed ultimap ret filter

fixed luapipe never calling OnError

fixed vehdebug in 64-bit CE zeroing out the FPU registers in 32-bit targets

fixed DBVM find what access/writes sometimes skipping entries on AMD

fixed undo not working on memory records when using the single line editor

fixed hide children group option when loading a table

fixed some font issues in the break and trace window

fixed pasting the other types in hexadecimal view

fixed the symbolloader fully crashing on unknown pdb symboldata


saveTable won't ask to sign the table anymore

messageDialog will work if you omit the buttonlist. (Defaults to mbOK then)

added more customizabe button

registerSymbol no longer errors out the whole script on failure. It now overwrites existing symbols

and many other things...


Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

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Cheat Engine

Trouble installing/running Cheat Engine? Check out the known github issue here on how to solve it, or join the cheat engine patreon

Read before download: You must be 18 years or older, or deemed an adult, to install Cheat Engine. Cheat engine is for private and educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine

February 14 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for public:

February 8 2023:Cheat Engine 7.5 Released for Windows for Patreons (Mac and public will be here soon):

I'm glad to announce the release of Cheat Engine 7.5 which has some really neat improvements over 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine so next version can be even greater!


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool

added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location)

added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned)

reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed

make some error messages more descriptive

added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center

added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now

memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually

codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results

added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd

lua: added ceserver commands

lua: show a stacktrace on execution error

lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode)

made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)

ceserver: added change memory protection capability

ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI

.netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree

network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server

lua: added virtualstringtree

lua: added invertColor

lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)

autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails

autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well

pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update

ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft.

ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable

ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers

ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list

ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well

ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now

assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64]

disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not

mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's

mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform

mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name

better arm disassembler and assembler

better arm64 disassembler and assembler

the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings)

added an option to skip loading .PDB files

a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads

added ranges scans to groupscan

freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed

trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI

changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries

texttraces now don't save as .cetrace but as .txt now

ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well

ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols

lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode

lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects

lua: added getOpenedFileSize()

lua: added onHelpEvent callback

lua: added releaseDebugFiles()

lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols()

lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

added .Visible property to treenode entries

added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews

added arm64 disassembling and assembling

added lua function "runCommand"

added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.

conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)

dotnetinfo: Performance improvement

memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option

Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols

different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards

tracer can now step over rep instructions

lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field

lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified

added architecture distinguishing to ceserver

pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it

added nested structure support

added string based custom types

ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point

the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued

monodatacollector: fixed invoke method

dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll

fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases

ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets

fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file

fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options

fixed some documentation in celua at some points

fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation

fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]

fixed enumExports lua function

fixed issue where vehdebug would crash

fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging

fixed the disassembler backlist

fixed termination issue on the memscan object

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ]

VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used

Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads

fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example

fixed speedhack on wine 7.0

fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view

fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs

restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1)

fixed .net info instance lookup issue

fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

fixed runcommand

fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected

fixed the "all" type when not using double

fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types

fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly

fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly

fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata

fixed paring value starting with a - or +

fixed assembling pmovmskb

fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one)

fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section

fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys

fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox

fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx

fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method

fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock

ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore

January 18 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

January 2 2022:Cheat Engine 7.4 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

Happy 2022. To start of this year good here's the official release of Cheat Engine 7.4

My patreon members can get it here

(The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to accept it)

Please reports bugs and give suggestions to improve Cheat Engine.

Additions and changes:

AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl

Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates

improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move

laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down)

added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them

you can now manually delete saved results

debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces

modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such

mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect

lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween

added hints to how the pointer wildcard works

the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect

You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist

lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected

you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them

added linux ABI c-compiler dll's

by default mono now releases the .net thread

from 7.3.2-7.4:

added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus)

goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center

you can now change the font of the tracer tree

added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions

break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option

added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer


fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows

.netinfo: fix field searching

fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window

fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address

fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash

mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address

fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode

foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns

foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results

processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode

fixed compare to first scan hotkey

fixed handling of broken/empty language folders

fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well)

fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog

fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage

fixed {$c} and {$ccode} for the 32-bit CE build

fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus)

fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks

fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory

fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats)

fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval

fixed {$ccode} and {$luacode} when not giving any parameters

fixed some include files erroring out when used

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory

fixed the elf symbol parser

fixed speedhack on linux

il2cpp now has a progressbar

fixed handling some newer il2cpp games

fixed vmin assembling

fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details

fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan

fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters

fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries

from 7.3.2-7.4:

lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't

fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0

window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable

fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor

fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script

improved stability of mono

fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets

August 26 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for everyone:

August 14 2021:Cheat Engine 7.3 Released for Windows and Mac for Patreons (public will be here soon):

I'm happy to announce the official release of Cheat Engine 7.3 for all my patreon members (The public release will be here any day now. Waiting for the advertisers / network owners to sign of on it) Edit:Done

My patreon members can get it here

Please report bugs and give feature requests for next version so I can make it even better.

Additions and changes:

Added dark mode support (restart CE when you change the setting)

All saved results are now shown in the foundlist (can be turned off)

Groupscan now supports pointer wildcards. (only valid if the field is a proper pointer)

Hotkeys can be repeated by releasing the key and repressing if the repeat timer hasn't finished yet

Structure dissect add to addresslist uses the addressstring instead of number, so symbols will be preserved

Structure dissect now has a option to save the previous state of a column and show changes easier

Middle-mouse clicking now copies the value of a structure element to your clipboard

Added {$LUACODE} blocks for inline Lua coding

Added a c-compiler to CE

Added {$C} blocks to the auto assembler. all {$C} blocks get combined into one script before execution

Added {$CCODE} blocks for inline C coding (Check the forum, wiki, CE patreon discord or CE's youtube)

Added a C# compiler (compilecs)

Added routines to do .NET(and mono) method detouring. .NET info has a new contextmenu where you can create a detour template for the autoassembler

Added invoke method to the .NET Info window as well

[Disable] sections can now reference labels, defines, AOBScan results, and allocs created in the [ENABLE] section

Userdefined symbollist has a secondary list for CCode symbols

The change address window now also supports relative offsets

DBVM speed improvements

DBVM has an extra security level, and added dbvm_setKeys to easily change the access codes

DBVM has now some basic support for nested VM's (only so you can run them, not yet modify)

New debugger interface: DBVM-level debugger

Improved performance of "Find what access/writes this address"

Dissect code now lets you specify custom ranges

Addresslist value sort now sorts values by alphabet if the record is a string type

The dropdown list of multiple entries can now be changed at the same time

Standalone register window now shows flags values as well

Value Between scans now autoswap the order if the first value is bigger than the 2nd


fixed some games freezing CE when symbols where accesses

Lua debug now shows for loop variables

several windows now save their position, and won't get corrupted if you don't show them the first time running CE

fixed createthreadandwait when using a timeout

fixed disassembling vcvtsi2ss

fixed compare to first scan if it's a large block, and made it more efficient

ceshare: logout fixed

fixed assembling movsq

fixed ultimap ret filter

fixed luapipe never calling OnError

fixed vehdebug in 64-bit CE zeroing out the FPU registers in 32-bit targets

fixed DBVM find what access/writes sometimes skipping entries on AMD

fixed undo not working on memory records when using the single line editor

fixed hide children group option when loading a table

fixed some font issues in the break and trace window

fixed pasting the other types in hexadecimal view

fixed the symbolloader fully crashing on unknown pdb symboldata


saveTable won't ask to sign the table anymore

messageDialog will work if you omit the buttonlist. (Defaults to mbOK then)

added more customizabe button

registerSymbol no longer errors out the whole script on failure. It now overwrites existing symbols

and many other things...


Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine

Main Page

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Welcome to the Cheat Engine wiki.

Cheat Engine

Help File

How to get read/write access to a process (open a process)

How to add script to table

How to add addresses to the address list



Lua Language

CE Lua Basics

CE Lua Functions and Classes

CE Lua Debugging Functions

Lua Basics

Lua Object Oriented (Address class)


Assembler Commands

Commands Tables

Commands List

Auto Assembler

Auto Assembler Commands

Auto Assembler Basics

Code injection







Hex editing

Mono Features

Mono Dissect Form

Mono Structure Dissection

Mono Lua

Mono Lua Functions

Mono AA Commands

Tutorial - Mono - Basic

Packet editing




Cheat Engine:

Value Types


The Stack


How to attach to a process

How to add script to table

How to add addresses to the address list

Cheat Engine Tutorial Guide (x32)

Cheat Engine Tutorial Guide (x64)

Finding values - Integers

Finding values - Floats

How to break and trace code in a process

Tutorial - Cheat Form

Auto Assembler:

Auto Assembler Basics

Auto Assembler Templates

Code Injection - Basic injection

Code Injection - Full injection

Code Injection - Adding Editable Values

Code Injection - Working with Integers

Code Injection - Working with Floats


Lua Basics

How to setup a Lua auto attach script

Introduction to Lua with CE: Beginner to Basic Script Writer


Mono Basics


Video Tutorials

Generic Gamehacking Tutorials


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Mono Game Hacking Tools

Packet editing,




We're also looking for help with improving/updating the wiki! If you are a Lua/Assembler expert, or just want to help fill in the gaps, head over to the Improvements section and pick a topic.

There's also room for Cheat Engine forum related topics as long as it's within reason, and please, keep it in the Forum namespace (do that by adding Forum: in front of new pages).

if you're new to wikis you can play around in the Sandbox , there's less chance of being blocked for adding complete gibberish.

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This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, at 22:46.

Content is available under Public Domain unless otherwise noted.

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About Cheat Engine


游戏Mod工具 Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 Mod V7.5.0 下载- 3DM Mod站

游戏Mod工具 Cheat Engine (CE修改器) 7.5 汉化版 Mod V7.5.0 下载- 3DM Mod站

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Releases: cheat-engine/cheat-engine



Releases · cheat-engine/cheat-engine

Cheat Engine 7.5

23 Feb 21:02





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Cheat Engine 7.5




from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

removed the driver requirement for the access memory regions tool

added 1 byte jmp instructions (that will install an exeption handler and place an int3 at the location)

added a scanoption so you can skip unpaged memory. (should prevent targets from eating up RAM when scanned)

reassemble() now rewrites an instruction using multiple lines when needed

make some error messages more descriptive

added an option to center the highlighted disassembler code to the center

added an explanation why the driver won't load and a link with info on how to get it to load for now

memoryrecord hotkeys can now be disabled individually

codefilter: unwind info now gives less bad results

added support for pseudo-ops like cmpss/sd/ps/pd

lua: added ceserver commands

lua: show a stacktrace on execution error

lua: added convertToUTF8(stringbytetable, regioncode)

made loading CT files with signatures possible under wine and proton

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: pipe support (mono data dissector)

ceserver: added change memory protection capability

ceserver: Available options can now be sent to the CE GUI

.netinfo: Replaced the fields view with a tree

network config: The processlist now has focus after opening a server

lua: added virtualstringtree

lua: added invertColor

lua: added disassembleBytes(bytestring)

autoassembler: now a visual warning is shown when nearby allocation fails

autoassembler: the templates now generate 14 byte jmp safe original code blocks as well

pointerscan now has a deviation option for "pointer must end with offset" to help find pointers back after update

ultimap: added copy selected results to clipboard

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

ipt: Added intel process trace feature provided by microsoft.

ceserver: Improve the modulelist fetch speed, more stable

ceserver: option to disconnect from closed ceservers

ceserver: the discovery list is now also a history list

ceserver: implement injection on arm64 as well

ceserver: also gets the fpu registers now

assembler x86_64: prefer mov rax,[rip+xxx] over mov rax,[imm64]

disasembler x86_64: switch from r#l to r#b because why not

mono: the dll now has a versioncheck so that you don't accidentally mix monodatacollector dll's

mono: deal with situations where there is no mainform

mono/.net: the methodlist is now sorted by name

better arm disassembler and assembler

better arm64 disassembler and assembler

the scanregions can be saved/loaded upon close/start ce (seperate option in settings)

added an option to skip loading .PDB files

a lot more functions are exposed to newstate threads

added ranges scans to groupscan

freeze+allow increase/decrease now also looks if the value is signed

trainers: Forms and controls now scale based on DPI

changing record showassigned/showashex now also applies to other selected entries

texttraces now don't save as .cetrace but as .txt now

ccode: #include now searches table files for files there as well

ccode: the internal symbolhandler can now deal with stdcalled function symbols

lua: added ImageIndex property to TTreeNode

lua: added OnValuechanged and OnValueChangedByUser callbacks to MemoryRecord objects

lua: added getOpenedFileSize()

lua: added onHelpEvent callback

lua: added releaseDebugFiles()

lua: added enumRegisteredSymbolLists() and enumRegisteredSymbols()

lua: added getBitmap method to ImageList objects

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

added .Visible property to treenode entries

added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews

added arm64 disassembling and assembling

added lua function "runCommand"

added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.

conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)

dotnetinfo: Performance improvement

memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option

Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols

different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards

tracer can now step over rep instructions

lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field

lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified

added architecture distinguishing to ceserver

pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it

added nested structure support

added string based custom types

ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point

the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses


from patreon 7.4.3 to public 7.5:

vehdebug: Fixed a case where a new thread creation or other event would cause another event that would trigger at exactly the same time to get the exception ignored and just continued

monodatacollector: fixed invoke method

dotnetdatacollector: Fixed issue of loading a wrong version of dbgshim.dll

fixed disassembling cvtdq2pd

from patreon 7.4.2 to patreon 7.4.3:

ceserver: Fixed extension loading in some cases

ceserver: fixed stepping on x86 targets

fixed the name showing as [physical memory] instead of the filename when opening a file

fixed a rare error when scanning using specific options

fixed some documentation in celua at some points

fixed stackview in "more info" being garbage/access violation

fixed tracer search for instructions ending with ]

fixed enumExports lua function

fixed issue where vehdebug would crash

fixed the assembler from handing [rex+reg*x] as a symbol when debugging

fixed the disassembler backlist

fixed termination issue on the memscan object

from patreon 7.4.1 to patreon 7.4.2

Fixed the tracer search for instructions ending with a ]

VEH debug: Fixed the potential of invalid handles being used

Kernelmode debug and VEH debug: Fixed setting context on non suspended threads

fixed the lua_pcallk delegate in the c# plugin example

fixed speedhack on wine 7.0

fixed high dpi issue of structure dissect on first view

fixed high dpi issue on find what access/writes dialogs

restored the anchor editor (was gone in 7.4.1)

fixed .net info instance lookup issue

fixed customtypes getting marked as string (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

fixed runcommand

fixed modalforms from losing their text color internally (bug introduced in 7.4.1)

mac: fixed some progressbars not properly updating

from public 7.4 to patreon 7.4.1:

fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected

fixed the "all" type when not using double

fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types

fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly

fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly

fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata

fixed paring value starting with a - or +

fixed assembling pmovmskb

fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one)

fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section

fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys

fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox

fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx

fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method

fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock

ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore




rayman3003, PentestinGxRoot, anwar-alsilwy, RemixPL1994, Frischifrisch, sunnamed434, FMotalleb, NOctu1412, LightTracer, CheatEngine, and 96 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


Frischifrisch, RomelSan, sharktooth77789, EternalKitten, ookiineko, EmperorLawnmower, SzumisKarp, Zinoujoker, xvliote, egomeh, and hamer2696 reacted with laugh emoji


anwar-alsilwy, ca1e, Sittymin, sharktooth77789, ItsYaBoiSimonx, MrTregor, VinArts10, HeiwaRyuu, Theo1996, Zinoujoker, and egomeh reacted with hooray emoji



Combine900, Alextesterslol, sharktooth77789, NtSomeBody, lzxxdd, CATKit8, XBOX360VERSUCHONE, Floating8Tres, khakimvinh, DragosT88, and 5 more reacted with heart emoji


rubem-psd, anwar-alsilwy, loicreynier, alobtan, Alextesterslol, sharktooth77789, NtSomeBody, ttaolu, SzumisKarp, Apermanentfarewell, and 4 more reacted with rocket emoji


Alextesterslol, sharktooth77789, NtSomeBody, ErTavo, choosenname, Colourfulyun, XBOX360VERSUCHONE, Green-Text, IlyaBOT, Vaxaop, and 11 more reacted with eyes emoji

All reactions

106 reactions

11 reactions

11 reactions


15 reactions

14 reactions

21 reactions

140 people reacted

Cheat Engine 7.4

20 Jan 09:29





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Cheat Engine 7.4

Additions and changes:

AA templates now generate 14 byte jmp scripts when holding down ctrl

Foundcode dialog: Replace now toggles between nop and original. Also prevents duplicates

improved keyboard control to the hexview in memoryview. You can now hold shift while using the cursors to move

laststate isn't saved in tables anymore (unless ctrl is down)

added some space for dbvm functions so it's less likely to click them

you can now manually delete saved results

debugger attach timeout window will now show the status on some debugger interfaces

modules for 64-bit in 32-bit targets are more clearly marked as such

mono will not try to re-attach after a disconnect

lua: fixed copyMemory mode 2

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

structure dissect watch for changes now also shows you when something has changed inbetween

added hints to how the pointer wildcard works

created an alternate named CE version that runs without admin (not an UCE, do not think it is one, you will be disappointed)

the replace button in foundcode dialog now supports multiselect

You can now also change values of groupscan scan results directly in the foundlist

lua's openProcess command now won't deactivate all entries when previously no process was selected

you can now edit instructions with a breakpoint on them

added linux ABI c-compiler dll's

by default mono now releases the .net thread

from 7.3.2-7.4:

added shortcut to add this address to addresslist in hexview (ctrl+numPlus)

goto address popup now centers on the memview window, instead of screen center

you can now change the font of the tracer tree

added isRep to the lua LastDisassemblerData field. And stepover now steps over rep instructions

break and trace: Added 'stay within module' option

added custom alignment option to the hexviewer section of the memoryviewer


fixed loading back highligter config for auto assembler windows

.netinfo: fix field searching

fixed disassembler issues/memory corruption when closing a secondary memoryview window

fixed brake and trace killing the debugger when skipping certain modules an failing in figuring out the return address

fixed auto attach not stopping the process flash

mono is less likely to disconnect when dissecting an invalid memory address

fixed checkbox and radiobutton not sizing properly in dark mode

foundlist: display type override also afffects the saved columns

foundlist: new scan now alsdo clears the saved results

processlist: Fixed the highlighted color process entries in light mode

fixed compare to first scan hotkey

fixed handling of broken/empty language folders

fixed network modulesize lookup. (needs a new ceserver build as well)

fixed position saving for the foundcode dialog

fixed lua errors not giving a proper errormessage

fixed {$c} and {$ccode} for the 32-bit CE build

fixed logging of writes to ignore the addresslist freezing(Skyrimfus)

fixed dealing with -0.0f in c/ccode blocks

fixed memscan on the last block of readable memory

fixed dealing with the proper way of namespace.classname:modulename formatting. (Supports both formats)

fixed error when using freeze by thread with a very small interval

fixed {$ccode} and {$luacode} when not giving any parameters

fixed some include files erroring out when used

from 7.3.1-7.3.2:

network ceserver/linux: Fixed wpm corrupting the memory

fixed the elf symbol parser

fixed speedhack on linux

il2cpp now has a progressbar

fixed handling some newer il2cpp games

fixed vmin assembling

fixed the ceshare color (bug introduced in 7.3.1)

fixed freezing when entering the wrong ceserver details

fixed deleting groupscan entries from the scan

fixed pointerscan not loading results when in a path with non-ascii characters

fixed the standalone trainer maker giving an error about duplicate entries

from 7.3.2-7.4:

lua: fixed readByte signextending when it shouldn't

Fixed mono not injecting if you didn't have the visual studio debug dlls (introduced in 7.3.2

fix changeregonbp where it only changed xmm0

window position saving of "find what addresses this code accesses" should be more predictable

fixed saving of some color preferences in hexview, and added the fadecolor

fix AA createThreadAndWait not working in a standalone script

improved stability of mono

fixed break and trace ignore flag causing an stop instead of ignore on 64 bit targets




raspiduino, Lijackie, chickenpopcornx, EricBallard, zxd1994, illusion0001, aacostamx, toilaai, christantoan, kitykatt, and 66 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


chickenpopcornx, illusion0001, aacostamx, kitykatt, saintly2k, Thors788, msebi, muhammadfadelalexander, Matter999, AhmedKazama, and 9 more reacted with laugh emoji


AGlezB, VHFG22, Not-A-Normal-Robot, fdpclient, qbx2, Strappazzon, x1official, Gugui322, yaaannn, Tartary26, and 23 more reacted with hooray emoji



Tarasmetal, Not-A-Normal-Robot, icls1337, sid44sid, Frischifrisch, fdpclient, qbx2, CybotTM, Strappazzon, x1official, and 32 more reacted with heart emoji


chickenpopcornx, Frischifrisch, illusion0001, Lefia, aacostamx, kitykatt, Thors788, msebi, ValSouza1, muhammadfadelalexander, and 9 more reacted with rocket emoji


toxicparasite, MrHakan, forivinnext, chickenpopcornx, Frischifrisch, illusion0001, kitykatt, Thors788, ValSouza1, muhammadfadelalexander, and 18 more reacted with eyes emoji

All reactions

76 reactions

19 reactions

33 reactions


42 reactions

19 reactions

28 reactions

116 people reacted

Cheat Engine 7.3

16 Aug 11:29





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Cheat Engine 7.3

Additions and changes:

Added dark mode support (restart CE when you change the setting)*

All saved results are now shown in the foundlist (can be turned off)*

Groupscan now supports pointer wildcards. (only valid if the field is a proper pointer)*

Hotkeys can be repeated by releasing the key and repressing if the repeat timer hasn't finished yet*

Structure dissect add to addresslist uses the addressstring instead of number, so symbols will be preserved*

Structure dissect now has a option to save the previous state of a column and show changes easier*

Middle-mouse clicking now copies the value of a structure element to your clipboard*

Added {$LUACODE} blocks for inline Lua coding*

Added a c-compiler to CE*

Added {$C} blocks to the auto assembler. all {$C} blocks get combined into one script before execution*

Added {$CCODE} blocks for inline C coding (Check the forum, wiki, CE patreon discord or CE's youtube)*

Added a C# compiler (compilecs)*

Added routines to do .NET(and mono) method detouring. .NET info has a new contextmenu where you can create a detour template for the autoassembler*

Added invoke method to the .NET Info window as well*

[Disable] sections can now reference labels, defines, AOBScan results, and allocs created in the [ENABLE] section*

Userdefined symbollist has a secondary list for CCode symbols*

The change address window now also supports relative offsets*

DBVM speed improvements*

DBVM has an extra security level, and added dbvm_setKeys to easily change the access codes*

DBVM has now some basic support for nested VM's (only so you can run them, not yet modify)*

New debugger interface: DBVM-level debugger*

Improved performance of "Find what access/writes this address"*

Dissect code now lets you specify custom ranges*

Addresslist value sort now sorts values by alphabet if the record is a string type*

The dropdown list of multiple entries can now be changed at the same time*

Standalone register window now shows flags values as well*

Value Between scans now autoswap the order if the first value is bigger than the 2nd*


fixed some games freezing CE when symbols where accesses*

Lua debug now shows for loop variables*

several windows now save their position, and won't get corrupted if you don't show them the first time running CE*

fixed createthreadandwait when using a timeout*

fixed disassembling vcvtsi2ss*

fixed compare to first scan if it's a large block, and made it more efficient*

ceshare: logout fixed*

fixed assembling movsq*

fixed ultimap ret filter*

fixed luapipe never calling OnError*

fixed vehdebug in 64-bit CE zeroing out the FPU registers in 32-bit targets*

fixed DBVM find what access/writes sometimes skipping entries on AMD*

fixed undo not working on memory records when using the single line editor*

fixed hide children group option when loading a table*

fixed some font issues in the break and trace window*

fixed pasting the other types in hexadecimal view*

fixed the symbolloader fully crashing on unknown pdb symboldata*



saveTable won't ask to sign the table anymore*

messageDialog will work if you omit the buttonlist. (Defaults to mbOK then)*

added more customizabe button*

registerSymbol no longer errors out the whole script on failure. It now overwrites existing symbol*

.. much more. check celua.txt




Bia10, Xen0byte, wotanCode, SleekZ, zimzika, atizoff, VHFG22, Allnames3124, ShadiestGoat, drage0, and 60 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


wordgege, gitArash, aacostamx, Doodgee1, TonicBoomerKewl, TLXyloph, Saika, xirenai, kiccer, Danspotnytool, and 9 more reacted with laugh emoji


wordgege, gitArash, VHFG22, Gigabait, aacostamx, Doodgee1, TonicBoomerKewl, TLXyloph, alienfxfiend, Saika, and 11 more reacted with hooray emoji



nithax, red0xff, Colmines92, zimzika, atizoff, VHFG22, Allnames3124, BlueCultist, Glxckz, wordgege, and 23 more reacted with heart emoji


Glxckz, wordgege, VHFG22, aacostamx, Doodgee1, TonicBoomerKewl, TLXyloph, xirenai, kiccer, Danspotnytool, and 8 more reacted with rocket emoji


wordgege, cricri-pingouin, VHFG22, Chosnundead, aacostamx, Doodgee1, TonicBoomerKewl, TLXyloph, xirenai, kiccer, and 11 more reacted with eyes emoji

All reactions

70 reactions

19 reactions

21 reactions


33 reactions

18 reactions

21 reactions

93 people reacted

Cheat Engine 7.2

03 Nov 17:14





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Cheat Engine 7.2

Additions and changes:

Big Endian custom types. You can enable them in settings if you like

Commonality scanner now also compares the base address. (handy in case it's more than one register)

translation support for ceshare

smartedit now also deals with isPointer and isOffset memrecs

referencedfunctions filter improvement

PE section display/parsing for addresses

D3D hook now asks if you're sure you wish to use it (in case of accidental click)

Memoryview hexadecimal view: can now show custom types and changing memory protection depends on the selected byte(range)

Break and trace window now supports searching the referencedAddress, referencedBytes and Instruction

When changing a memoryrecord value, you can reference 'value' and apply math to it

Added a "File->Load Recent..." menulist

Added an option to autosave (in settings)

Added .netcore support to the dotnet data collector

Added a syntaxcheck menuoption to the CE lua script window

Added tabs to the autoassembler and CE Lua script window. In case of the Lua script, the tabs get loaded from left to right whenn the table loads

When syntax checking an AOBScan script in 64-bit that does an Alloc without prefered base, ask if the user understands that the jmp instruction will be 14 bytes long

Some extra foundlist preferences

Find out what access/writes now resolved the address to string (when it has time)

CEShare now has a list of games that have tables

AA: dealloc(*) - Now deallocated all memory a script allocated

AA: unregistersymbol(*) - Now unregisters all symbols a script registered

Added a more userfriendly .net inspector

Autoattach won't open itself anymore

CEShare now has a list of all available tables

Code Dissect now deals with relocated memory modules when loading a state back

Lua Formula scan has an alternate scan option which allows for more than 1 thread

Change Value of memory records can now deal with math


Auto Assembler: Fixed getting weird numbers for newmem when using the templates to add new scripts

Unknown initial value scan for 2GB+ regions failed

Resolved issue where typecasts where replaced by addresses. (having a memoryrecord named float, would break AA scripts that'd use (float))

AMD support for DBVM

Memoryrecord hotkeys showing up in the settings window as bring to front. Where clicking OK would then set it to that

Copy paste bug in the form designer

Hotkeys swapped comma and period on display

Resolved some issues with the forced module loader, and if it fails, don't freeze CE forever

AutoAssemble local would fail after opening a process

Pointermap based rescan

Assembler: (v)insertps , (v)comiss, (v)blendvp(s/d)

Kerneldebug is more stable on newer windows builds

Lua/Mono: Better support for utf8 strings

Lua/Mono: Support targets that use mono, but not unity

Lua/Mono: UWP targets work better

LuaEngine: Autocomplete won't lowercase functions anymore if they are lua functions


Fixed executeMethod for widestrings (type4)

Fixed AOBScanUnique truncating addresses

AddressList['description'] works now as well

some scripts variables that used to be global are now local

injectDLL has a new parameter to specify if CE should reload the symbols

getNameFromAddress has a new parameter to specify if you wish section names (default=false)

TfrmLuaEngine: document the mOutput and mScript properties

loadModule now has an optional timeout value

added an interface for the DotNetDataCollector

implemented RemoteExecutor , which is a class which can execute remote memory fastyer than ExecuteCodeEx while keeping the same capabilities

createClass and createComponentClass won't access violation anymore for giving an unsupported name

And a bunch of new functions and classes/methods/properties. Check out celua.txt

11/04/2020: Fix scripts that use some of the obsolete unsupported functions




Apocaly-pse, AraHaan, icarus342, ollah666, MrHakan, Nighterlev, VietKhoa2410, brian8544, Anduin2017, Cracko298, and 19 more reacted with thumbs up emoji


Brothnaus reacted with laugh emoji


danisty, brian8544, Cracko298, da260, PeaceBeUponYou, Minotaur21, and Brothnaus reacted with hooray emoji



siddharthdeo99, Jesseraxe, UserNameNobody, marxangels, AraHaan, MrHakan, Nighterlev, brian8544, Cracko298, necros2k7, and 10 more reacted with heart emoji


da260, Minotaur21, and Brothnaus reacted with rocket emoji


Brothnaus, zhang2651, and Donatello73 reacted with eyes emoji

All reactions

29 reactions

1 reaction

7 reactions


20 reactions

3 reactions

3 reactions

41 people reacted

Cheat Engine 7.1

22 Apr 16:17





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Cheat Engine 7.1

Additions and changes:

Added support for il2cpp (mono)

Added support for .NET dll plugins

Change register on breakpoint now also affects FP and XMM registers

Added CEShare, a way to share your tables with other people

Improved disassembling

copy bytes+addresses now only does bytes+addresses

call filter can now use the unwind data for functions to get a decent list of instructions

structure dissect shows the pointerpath at the bottom

Follow register while stepping (rightclick the register to show the option)

registersymbol and label now support multiple definitions in one line

improved the speed of the structure list when getting data from a pdb

hexview: doubleclicking a non-byte value now shows in the type you set

added sorting to the found code dialog

added filtering to the changed addresses window

the debugger settings won't lock from changing anymore, still needs you to reopen a process to have an affect

added always hide children groupoption

group headers can act as address now

AA command createthreadandwait now has a timeout parameter

Assembler scanning improvement

Added an AVX2 version of CE, which will speed up all those floating point operations CE does so much...

Improved structure lookup for PDB files

Symbolhandler can now have the following types in front of pointers : (BYTE), (WORD), (DWORD), (QWORD), (CHAR), (SHORT), (INT), (INT64) to typecast the pointer to a value of that type

Structure dissect can detect vc++ and object pascal classnames now

Dissect code now also detects references to strings

Sorting the addresslist now sorts faster and more properly with regards to groups (depends on the level your current selection is)

Rightclick the addresslist header to bring up a menu which allows you to disable sorting

Improved the processlist responsiveness

The chosen floating point rounding type is now saved in the registry

You can now use (addresslist description) as an address

Improved autocomplete


DBVM doesn't activate the TSC hook by default. You can still activate it by using dbvm_enableTSCHook()


Fixed memoryleak when opening a file for hexediting again

Fixed utf8 display of the dissect windows window

Clear the taskbar progress when using a custom scan

Hexview: Fixed changing the address when pressing a non char key

Hexview: Fixed changing the address when doubleclicking and then canceling

alloc with a prefered base is now more aggressive in getting the range you want

fixed mono symbol lookup while dlls are still being loaded

fixed the structure compare not giving a proper errormessage

fixed improper error messages in structure dissect

fixed opening process in XP

fixed potential deadlock with the symbolhander

fixed issue with using the process var as symbol

fixed default form size for some windows when using high DPI

fixed DBVM on systems that have the default MTRR set as 6 (e.g Asus systems)

fixed DBVM find what accesses with large datasets


New functions:

function onTableLoad(before)






fixed executeCodeLocalEx with certain parameter definitions

fixed openFileAsProcess

checkSynchronize has a timeout now

OnGetDisplayValue now also works on AA records(